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When She Feel Too Much Horny

भिडियो हेर्न माथिको  बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस। 

If this happens right before your period it's not because you are most fertile, that comes 12-16ish days before your period. So when you are uber horny before your period it's likely a combination of factors.
One theory is that there is a lot of discharge pre-period because it is starting the process of shedding the uterine lining, and when things get all wet in there it makes you feel sensitive and aroused.
Second, you retain water in your pelvic region before a period and that bloated watery feeling can put a good amount of pressure on your g-spot, which makes it very sensitive. And as a lady, I know that mild amounts of stimulation for an extended period of time can build up to some really great feelings.
Third, there is the hormone shift. I don't think anyone knows exactly what would cause someone to get horny due to hormones (which is why there is no fully effective female libido enhancing medicine,) so I won't try to explain that one.
Ooh also if you can't "hit the spot" it could be due to your cervix moving to a different area of your vagina during that part of the month. Feel for it each day of the month and you'll find that the interior layout of your vagina changes drastically.
If it is bothering you, try minimizing all salt before your period and it might minimize water retention and put less pressure on your sensitive areas. I might try this too and see if it changes my premenstrual feelings!
हामीले समाजमा देख्छौं कि मानिसहरु यौन सम्बन्ध कुराकानी गर्न हिच्किचाउँछन् । तर यो कुरा सत्य हो कि सुखद जीवनका लागि सुखद सेक्स लाइफ हुनु निक्कै जरुरी छ । सेक्स पनि मानिसको जीवनको त्यस्तै आवश्यक्ता हो जस्तै खानु, सुत्नु, दैनिक काम गर्नु ।तर कतिपयको जीवनमा सेक्सले अन्य कामले जति महत्व पाउँदैन त्यसैले सेक्स बैबाहिक जीवन नारकीय बन्न पुग्छ ।
खासमा यस्तो हुनुको मुख्य कारण भनेको यौनको विषयमा प्रयाप्त ज्ञान नहुनु हो ।आखिर मानिसको जीवनमा सेक्सका लागि उपयुक्त उमेर कुन हो त रु हालै अमेरिकाको मेडिकल एसोसिएसनले गरेको एक अध्यनका क्रममा पुरुषलाई विहानको समयमा यौन सम्बन्ध राख्न बढी मन पर्छ ।तर महिलाहरुलाई भने विहानमा भन्दा रातिको समयमा रोमान्टिक हुन मन पर्छ ।


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