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रोमान्टिक डेटिंगमा बोई फ्रेण्डले के गरिदियोस भन्ने चाहनुहुन्छ भन्ने प्रश्नमा के भन्छन त केटीहरु ?जवाफ सुन्नुहोस।

भिडियो हेर्न माथि क्लिक गर्नुहोस।
She may love roses and romantic dinners, but what she really needs from you might surprise you.
A dozen roses, romantic dinners, love notes … we girls love all of these types of things. But don't let us fool you; these are really not the things that we need the most from you. All the gifts and romantic moments are nice, but they are really just icing on the cake.
Honestly, guys, it is all the character-stuff and all the heart-stuff that your girlfriend really needs from you. Guys are usually more driven by tangible things — they want to provide nice things for their girl, they want to look good for her, and they want to say the right things and do the right things. But, in general, girls are more driven by non-tangible things — they want to know how you feel, they want to connect with your heart, they desire security and trust.
If you want to meet your girlfriend's needs, then my advice is to start focusing on the non-tangible things. Also, I think it goes without saying that the No. 1 non-tangible thing your girlfriend needs is for you to have a healthy relationship with God. So building on the assumption that you have a genuine relationship with Jesus, here are four things every girlfriend really needs from her boyfriend.
1. She Needs to Know He Thinks She's Beautiful (Attraction)
Deep at the core of every woman is the desire to know that she is beautiful, valuable and worthy to be pursued.
Unfortunately, a lot of times guys do not understand how central this question is. Sometimes guys think this desire for beauty is rooted in vanity or sexual desire, but usually that is not the core at all. The true root of this question is value: "Am I valuable enough to him to catch his attention?" "Am I valuable enough to be pursued?"
Also, I understand that this need of your girlfriend can be confusing for guys, because if purity is a struggle for you, then you are trying to not focus so much on your physical attraction to your girlfriend. However, there are lots of ways to express your attraction and communicate value to your girlfriend that are wholesome and appropriate.
Ultimately, the Word of God needs to answer this beauty and value question for your girlfriend. She needs to know she is beautiful and has worth for herself because the Bible says so. But your words and actions can help be an echo of the Word in her life.
Here are some practical ways you can add value to your girlfriend and let her know you think she is beautiful.
Be generous with compliments. Compliment her when she is dolled-up and compliment her when she is in everyday clothes with little makeup. (Be sure to make sure these compliments are done in a gentleman-type way and not with sexual overtones.)
Be a gentleman. Open the door for her, pull out her chair for her at dinner, offer to serve her in genuine little ways that help communicate that she is beautiful and that you value her.


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