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 भिडियो हेर्न माथिको बक्समा डवल क्लिक गर्नुहोस। 
How to Ask a Guy Out When You're Scared
Want more than anything else in the world to ask the cutest guy out, but you melt when you're near him? Everyone knows that it's never easy to do something like that, no matter how much experience you've had. The good news is that this article's going to help you with that. You need to ask a guy out by going up to him, hanging out with him, asking him out and then seeing what he says to you. If he says nothing just move on to another person, but don't forget your feelings about him because he might like you and he will unless he doesn't think about you more because you asked him out. Boys can either ask a girl out or a girl can ask a boy out, it goes either way.
Image titled Ask a Guy Out When You're Scared Step 11
Pick a guy who isn't taken. This is probably the most important part! If you don't know if he is or not, you could ask someone to casually ask him or just go up and ask. But a guy will respect you more if you ask him yourself.
Get to know that guy and see if you like him or not.
If you do, but are barely able to talk to him, make yourself known in his presence. Try finding out what things you have in common with him. Join a club together, play a sport, or just talk about something.

अर्चना र ज्योती लाई च्यालेन्ज दिदै।


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