नाम लिस्ट हेर्न माथि बक्सको एड हटाऊनुहोस।
EDV Result 2017EDV Result 2017
EDV Result 2017 can be obtained from the official website of EDV
which is managed by US government. Registered members can check for 2016 and 2017 entrant status. There is a time frame given to check the entrants detail for EDV 2017. The time frame has been given as May 5, 2016. They also alert the registered members to keep their confirmation number till June 30, 2017Reviews by Previous EDV Result 2016 winners
Many of the Nepalese has settled in US through EDV since long. EDV winners 2016 are on the last process of entering US. Amrit Dhakal, one of the EDV 2016 winners has stated that he has completed all processes as stated by US government and he is going to US within two months.
EDV winner, Engineer Ganesh baral, who is already settled on USA is working in US states that he is happy in US and working good in burger industry. Although he miss his friends and colleagues of Nepal, he is working hard to get good job in US.EDV Result 2017
के तपाई आफ्नो बाबा आमालाई माया गर्नहुन्छ गर्नुहुन्छ भने अबस्य तलको भिडियो हेर्नुहोस।