तल देखाइएको भिडियो हेर्न माथि बक्समा डवल क्लिक गर्नुहोस।
When we say 'Bollywood' what comes to your mind? Undeniably the bold colors, the extravagance and glamor in harmonious outbursts, glitter, vermilion and everything that pleases the eye. Bollywood, as an integral part of young India, is as true to its glorious culture and heritage as the nation itself. When the whole world wants to pursue the west in fashion, cuisine and machine, Bollywood has made its own remarkable identity by enhancing its uniqueness and not just embracing the mad pursuit of Hollywood but fusing them with modern art.The sole idea of an Indian beauty is not just in 'big-eyes' but also in the traditional attire of elegance - the Indian Saree! The history of saree dates back to the Rig Vedic age and is stated to be the oldest form of 'fashionable' apparels. Saree, is still the oldest attire in existence and an average woman in India wears it every single day. Getting into jeans and shirts surely seems a better option for our lives in the fast lane but when it comes to any festive occasion, a saree is a must wear for any Indian women irrespective of ethnicity, religion or race. A saree is not just another piece of clothing but a lifestyle wear in which lies a whole clothing experience.
बलीवुड बिस्वमा नै आफ्नो क्षेत्र लाइ ब्यापक बनाउदै गएको एक फिल्म इण्डस्ट्री हो जहा हजारौ नायक नायिकाहरु आफ्नो जलवा फिजािरहेका छन। बलिवुडमा हिरोको बडी देखाउने र हिरोइनको अंग प्रदर्शन गर्ने एक फेसन नै बनेको छ। बलिवुडमा ग्ल्यामरीटी छैन ता फिल्म छैन भन्दा पनि फरक नपर्ला। ग्ल्यामरीटी देखाउन खोज्दा कतिपय हीरोइन लाइ यसले धोका दिएको छ। स्टेज प्रोग्राम मा आउदा पनि अंग प्रदर्शन हुने लुगा लगाएर आउदा यहाँ धेरै हिरोइनको कसैको कपडा खुस्कने कोई अग्लो हिलको कारण लडने कोई स्टेजमै ब्रा मिलाउदै हुन्छन् यस्ता घटनाहरु घटिरहन्छन्। यहाँ एउटी नायिका नाच्दा नाच्दै बाहिरको कपडा खोल्छिन तर संयोगबस कपड़ा खोल्दा भीतरी बस्त्रको सुर्केनि पनि खोलिन्छ र ऊनि नाच नसक्दै लज्जित मुद्रामा ब्रा समात्दै सतेज बाट बाहिरिन्छिन।
उक्त भिडियो हेर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस।